I love this song....Britney Spears is back!
I hope the music video was better thou....but it is still kicking arse!
Anyone watched EMA 2009? Beyonce and U2 were totally awesome ! I didn't watch the entire show coz I was overwhelm with school work. Recently, someone dropped a bomb on me when they decided to shift the yearbook "FOVEO" project to me. Initially, I was quite annoyed since it was really last minute notice and there isn't not much time for us to prepare. But still, work is work. Wish us luck!
Azfar is mad at me for no reason at all. Apparently, I offended him somehow, made him felt so bloody low like never before. He is now punishing me by giving me silent treatment. Like wtf? If you're gonna punish me, at least let me know what crime I have offended right? I feel so lost.
Oh yeah. I want to watch "Beyond the Realm Conscience"! ....... I am missing my Cantonese cable TV so so much now.....Wah Lai Toi, AOD.....haih. Anyone know how to watch these channels from Singapore?
There isn't much to blog about today. I ought to go back to my books now. Can't afford to waste time nowadays.
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